We were comissioned to produce these aesthetically pleasing, unique tables, which were designed to be used with an ASMI console and handset.
...This C2 table was made with fold-away upholstery sections, so that patients can be treated lying both ways round.
...We made a C2 with the 3 way head section of a McTimoney table as a special request from a customer.
...A McTimoney 1 treatment table with custom made retractable wheeled undercarriage, for a customer request.
...The RG6 has motorised lateral bending. This makes every capability of the pelvic section motorised on this table.
...These were designed for the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic at Glamorgan University.
...The Swing Bucky is used in combination with a digital fluoroscopy machine to measure inter-vertebral mechanics in living subjects. With the patient in a standing position, the Swing Bucky laterally bends the subject's lumbar spine, whilst meas ...
The Swing Table is used in combination with a digital fluoroscopy machine to measure inter-vertebral mechanics in living subjects. With the patient in a supine position, the Swing Table laterally bends the subject's lumbar and pelvic  ...
A training plinth design used by both the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic and the Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic.